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Mother and Son


To MEET your

child's needs

“The disability is not the problem. The accessibility is the problem.”

- Mohamed Jemni



The Melson Foundation is dedicated to providing relief and support to families with children diagnosed with learning disabilities. We hope to alleviate the financial burden so families can access the tools and resources to help their children thrive. 

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As mentioned in the letter from Faith’s father, she is a beautiful black little girl on the autistic spectrum. While she is still incredible in every way, her disability limits her ability to be self-sufficient, adding more responsibility to her parents to care for her in every way.


We know that Faith isn’t the only rockstar out there who is dealing with a disability and who needs additional hugs and love to get through each day. We know there are many more amazing souls with circumstances similar to or even more critical than Faith's. As her father, Josiah, mentioned, it can be difficult on some days, and we would love to help provide some relief to other parents/caregivers raising a child with a disability.


Unfortunately, health insurance doesn’t cover all the costs of helping children with disabilities thrive, such as specialized services; clothing; training; food and supplies for service animals; and transportation. We have created a financial assistance fund to provide financial relief for parents and guardians struggling to pay for essential tools, services, and resources for their child with a disability.


  • Funds will be awarded by check, gift card, cash app, Zelle, or direct deposit.

  • A total of $1000 will be deposited in multiple installments over one year.

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