NOW IS THE TIME TO take charge of your personal finances
Our courses aim to provide resources and guidance that allow you and your family to become financially literate and gain financial independence. Our goal is that you will walk away understanding the basics of financial literacy and strategies for money management and investing. This is one way we want to help you and your family break the cycle of poverty and open up a path to financial freedom.

Melson Financial University presents:
B.A.G. Talk Level Up Courses
Keep The BAG
Learn how to budget, save, and manage your money to maximize it to its fullest potential.
Flip The BAG
Learn the basics of investing in the stock market to grow your money.
Keep the BAG
“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving”
-Warren Buffett
The Keep the B.A.G. course was inspired by the real-life experiences of our founder, Rashema Melson. When she graduated from college and started her first job, she had a negative balance in the bank. After receiving her first paycheck, her bank account quickly went to $0 after she went on a spending spree at the mall. Rashema knew she had to make an important decision. She knew she did not want to go back to experiencing homelessness and decided to be intentional about how she managed her money from that day forward. Through much self-discipline and self-directed learning, she taught herself the principles of financial literacy and used them to turn her finances around. She was able to save half of her $55k annual income and thus began the journey of mastering her money.
This 3-hour course provides a step-by-step guide on how to maximize your earned income. Using the practical framework developed by our founder, our money mentors will show you how to save, budget, and invest your money wisely so you can reach your financial goals. With the "Keep the Bag" Course, you can become a master of your money and build a secure financial future.
What you will learn:
✔ How to budget
✔ How to save
✔ How to manage your money
✔ How to find the best bank account(s) for you and your family
Cost: $50 (free for scholarship recipients and anyone between the ages of 13-17)
Location: Virtual (in-person will be available in DC-Metro Area, exact location TBA)
*The Melson Foundation and its affiliates in no way represent that they can guarantee any specific outcomes, financial or otherwise, for participants of any of the workshops, programs, courses, etc.